Shamanic activation of life’s force – awakens and enables:
- process of self-healing, expressing of passion, creativity and emotional stability
- releasing and removing emotional energy blockages, implanted conditionings, generation blockages and spells of the physical body
- “Deep mirroring” – helps us to safely heal others without absorbing their negative energy
- treatment of family karma patterns – abolishing the burdens of various limited beliefs and emotional stresses, which we inherited from innumerable generations
- learing to communicate with Higher Self
Shamanic activation of LIFE’S FORCE is initiation process, where we awaken consciousness of the physical body and let the spirit free. Process usually still takes place months after seminar is finished. Each of participants learns effective healing with hands. With this ability we can remove emotional blockages and reservations. We will learn how to selectively communicate on the level of physical body, spirit and even more. It’s about activating the process of releasing reservations, patterns of restrictions, that we got from our blood ancestors.
Why shamanic activation of life’s force?
Due to thousands of years of ongoing restrictive social patterns and series of other factors, physical bodies on earth accepted thousands of enforced patterns and reservations. This deactivated most of the aspects of spiritual DNA, connection between consciousness of the body and Higher self. Even people, who are aware of this, often suffer for lack of energy because of enforced patterns (restrictions) in their energetic field.
Thousands of years shamans in “primitive societies” speak about visions, in which they see a ladder/path leading from earth to the sky, symbolized by two interweaving snakes, similar to biological model of DNA.
From shamanic point of view physical body is only crystallization of Higher bodies and not their cause. Following this model we come to efficient results: passionate and happy individual, full of energy and motivation.
On this intense transformational seminar you will learn how to overcome and remove emotional and energetic blockages in yourself and others and how to find inner personal strength again.
With the use of shamanic techniques (including drumming) you will get to know different kinds of consciousness and ways to get knowledge on different levels of physical body; Instinctive Spirit, Higher self. You will get free of clamps in forms of “modern” decadent beliefs regarding aging, diseases and stress, which will lead you to ability of self healing and creativity.